As a business we feel that it is our moral responsibility to invest and give back to the local community.
We do this in many ways from sponsoring several children’s grass roots football clubs, providing them with training kits, coats, tracksuits, rucksacks, Water bottles and of course match kits, and helping them fund training facilities and providing a Veo2 camera to help the coaches analyse and develop the teams.
We were also instrumental in the planning and funding to send two of the teams to Paris to play in the PSG tournament.
We host annual Black Tie charity events that to date have raised £331.526.55
We co-sponsor with other local businesses the local village Christmas tree.
Earlier this year we provided Easter eggs for local vulnerable children.
We provide and maintain a defibrillator unit located at the busy Avenue country park.
We assisted the local police in bringing the Knife angel to chesterfield and in doing so received the Divisional Commanders commendation.
And our most recent work sees the charitable alliance with the Chesterfield FC Community Trust including the sponsorship of their corporate hospitality box where we invite local heroes who deserve a treat for a VIP experience.

We love to help the community
Charity Feedback
Jane Featherstone
The Sick Children's Trust